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This is a paragraph of text about our Doctors, they are available each day between 8am and 6pm.
Dr Smith (m) MBBS MRCGP
Senior Partner
Dr Evans (f) MBBS MRCGP
Salaried GP
Dr Jones (f) MBBS MRCGP
Long-term Locum GP
This is a paragraph of text about our Nursing team, they are available each day between 8am and 6pm.
Susan (f)
Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Jimmy (m)
Bobby (m)
Steve (m)
This is a paragraph of text about our Admin team, they are available each day between 8am and 6pm.
Sally (f)
Practice Manager
Tim (m)
Assistant Practice Manager
Lucy (f)
Medical Secretary
Holly (f)
Practice Administrator
Sarah (f)
Medical Receptionist
Andrew (m)
Medical Receptionist
Brenda (f)
Medical Receptionist
Brian (m)
We have a team of Health Visitors attached to our Practice.
We have a team of District Nurses who do visits for our elderly and vulnerable patients.